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Old 10-28-2010, 09:06 PM   #1
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If you had to move, where would you go?

Maybe because it is election time or maybe because I've been hearing the news, but I've begun to despair (again) about our country and any hope that it will turn out well in my lifetime.

I just don't see how any politician or president on any side could possibly create an economic climate in this country where people can survive, let alone prosper. The imbalances are so great, so beyond what even a Robin Hood-ish re-distribution of wealth could address, that I can only imagine our situation approaching the inflation Germany in 1939, or the menacing corpocracy/bureaucracy of Terry Gilliam's "Brazil."

But then I always end up with the same question:
Where would I go?

So, let's say for a moment that you HAD to leave and also for the moment that you wouldn't have any barriers to immigration, where would you go, and why?
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