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Old 09-29-2010, 02:38 PM   #27
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
Regarding the post about Craigslist ads ---

The same could be said for (ahem) writers.

There are endless ads on Craigslist and other job sites asking writers to do stuff for free, and for piddly, insulting rates that might as well be free.

Granted, sometimes all they want are words on a page, not quality words. But I am SICK of talking to people who think they can hire a skilled copywriter for $15/hour. Yes, they can hire a copywriter for that rate, or even less and they might not be educated enough themselves to know the difference between the output of, say, ME, and some guy in India.

Fortunately there are plenty of folks out there who don't mind paying for the real thing, but it's frustrating to wade through the crap just to find them. If you let it, it can lead to second-guessing yourself and wondering if you're right about your own value.

Which is kinda where I am now. I'm better than I've ever been, but having more trouble than I ever have.
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