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Old 09-26-2010, 08:24 AM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,622
Originally Posted by footfootfoot View Post
Oh boy. Tenants... I have a number of friends who keep rental properties and wow do they have stories. Sadly, sounds par for the course.
So true. Many people have bad tenant stories...

As a result of the way the carpets look, I now have a born-again attitude to vacuuming and will now be warning people about the reprecussions of not vacuuming.

No-one tends to tell their good tenant stories though. My folks have a place which they've rented to the same people for about 18 years and about 90% of the time everyone is happy.

Of course, there was the time (now sounding like a scene from Fiddler on the Roof) when I dropped over to the rental house to visit and took a sizeable chunk of the gatepost while backing out. That was embarrassing-not only did I have to tell and show the tenant my handiwork. I then had to ring my folks and tell them. The responses were as follows:

Casi: (very embarrassed-I'm really sorry. I've taken a chunk out of the gatepost)..

Tenant: I told your father not to put that gatepost there.

Later on the phone.
Father: Oh, you can't drive either.
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