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Old 09-23-2010, 07:28 AM   #1
Why, you're a regular Alfred E Einstein, ain't ya?
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Originally Posted by SPUCK View Post
I would add to spudcon's nice summary a missed but important conservative principal:

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility as apposed to 'they made me do it, it wasn't my fault, etc., and the flip side, the government owes me x or y'.
That's good. The implication is that liberals believe the part in quotes.

I consider myself to be liberal, yet I've worked my whole life. I don't take things from people. Hell, when I left my marriage I left the house. No one owes me a damn thing. I don't want anyone to owe me a damn thing.

This is where we get hung up. I actually do agree that you can't pigeonhole any of us.

What I was going for was "what makes you (any individual) identify with the "label" that was placed there for whatever reason (self-certifying, actions, words) or what makes you not fit the label that you believe you got erroneously."

A specific list, such as I gave, might give insight. To say "well, you know, when it comes to fiscal blah de blah I am more liberal and when it comes to social blah de blah I am more conservative" or whatever doesn't quite get beyond the same bland rhetoric over which we get nowhere. No wonder "labels" stick.

There, I've now listed what I think makes me "liberal" and why I don't adhere to some definition that liberals are a bunch of whining takers. In these threads, I've seen much whining from the other front, that the "takers" are getting something someone else isn't getting. Yet, we are often, in the very next post, reminded that if we want something we work for it. Which is it? Do you want what the takers are getting? No, you don't. So human up and work for the change you want to see? Maybe?

Or kvetch a lot. *shrugs*
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones who need the advice.
--Bill Cosby
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