Thread: Are you handy?
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Old 09-09-2010, 06:22 PM   #5
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Seattle
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I have been diligently tearing off the exposed parts of the old shingles. This leaves half the shingle on the roof. The half that stays behind is the stapled to the roof half, the half that hasn't seen any daylight until now. This is how I made the surface "smooth" in preparation for the new roof. It was dirty work and I made a big mess as I tossed the broken shingles down off the roof onto the grass, the sidewalk, the steps, the junipers, the driveway, the gutters (for all the foul tips).

Pic 01: Here is my helper, SonofV, bringing me the power cord. Power cord for what, you ask?

Pic 02: The power cord to run the leaf blower, of course. I *KNOW* I got some strange looks from the folks walking their dogs who looked up to see me hosing down the roof with a jetstream of loud air. But that sand is really, *really* slick on the slanted surface of the roof, and a hundred times worse on the tarpaper to come. I was very diligent about keeping it "clean". Here you can see what I've revealed from the tear off, and my push broom and my power broom. Looks better already, doesn't it?
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