Thread: Are you handy?
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Old 09-09-2010, 05:53 PM   #4
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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The main ridge of my roof runs east-west. This means there is a very big southern exposure, reroofed in Aug 2007, chronicled here in earlier posts. And an equally large northern exposure that gets a LOT less sun, and is just as antique as the rest, but in less tragic condition. There is a third smaller section of the roof that slopes down from east to west, toward the street. This section should have been redone when I did the south side, but the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune conspired toward a different end.

So Labor Day of this year was my last best chance to fix this before I got in trouble this winter. Saturday and Sunday I spent in semi-tear off mode.

Pic 01: the view from the street. Nasty.

Pic 02: the view from the roof. Much worse than I thought. Silver lining: the more roof that has been eroded and corroded and irradiated away, the less I have to tear off, right? I'm really late, but not too late. I hope.

Also in pic 02 you can get a better feel for the more complicated shape of this section of the roof. This picture is taken from the ladder at the southeast corner of the house, looking to the north. The horizontal hip is over the dining room, which is over the garage. The two slanted hips point to the corners of the dining room. The wide flatter area in the foreground is over the living room.
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