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Old 09-08-2010, 08:48 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
No voting. It's completely arbitrary. The Boing Boing judge or judges will decide based 25% on how awesome it is, 25% on how original it is, 25% on how funny it is, and 25% on how closely it conforms to Boing Boings ideals. My entry and two others are the only ones that reference Boing Boing in any way, so I hope that gives me an edge. The girl and the unicorn are both Boing Boing memes/logos.

It's totally arbitrary, so I just have to cross my fingers and wait. They also don't say when the winners will be announced. The running of this contest is kind of amateur, but in a way that's good, because it was not publicized much at all.
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