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Old 12-10-2003, 12:39 AM   #187
lobber of scimitars
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Phila Burbs
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Originally posted by case
So, now we know lots of people aren't afraid of peeing in the shower...what about public showers?

Avoid at all costs, but no. The girl locker room rules are different.

Hotel Showers?

Not usually.

Actually to clarify, my morning bathroom behavior is such that it is generally not necessary to pee in the shower, as such needs have been attended to first thing, as I generally can't wait until the water is warm enough.

What if a guest at your house peed in your shower, would you mind?

What I don't see happen, hasn't happened. I don't stress over it.

Also, do most people here secretly check out the medicine cabinet in the bathroom when at someone's house?

Nope. Only reason to do that is to find the medications to send with the ambulance after calling 911. Visits to friend's homes don't usually result in trips to the hospital by ambulance.

Do you look at the inside of a glass before pouring a beverage into it?

Yes. And, although you didn't ask, washing the coffee mug at work consists of swishing it out with lukewarm water about once a week (or after use of sugar/cream/hot cocoa mix). I have a black mug (Glock logo) for a reason. The white interior mugs LOOK dirty. I figure I'm going to be pouring an extremely hot beverage into it anyway, which will kill most of what's growing in there. No, I don't need to take sick days.

Who here follows the 5 second rule?

At home, yeah.

At the nuthouse. 1/4 MICROSECOND is too long. It hits the floor, it's trash, no matter how good it is.
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