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Old 08-29-2010, 06:13 AM   #5828
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I'm with you there Dana

Today, I am happy because we are going back to the White Hart, which we went to about 3 weeks ago. On that occasion, we went with vouchers from my sister as a thank you for cat-sitting.

Unfortunately we had a pretty poor time. The company was good and we enjoyed ourselves, but the food and the service were substandard, so I completed an online feedback form. This week I got a letter of apology and an offer of a complimentary main course for all four of us with a drink each.

Wahay! So we're going again today.
Mum is in two minds, saying they will spit in our food and moaning, "Why couldn't they just give us vouchers?" Personally I'm delighted - my second meal out in a month. And I'm sure they were just teething problems and we'll have a better meal this time. And if we do I'll definitely leave feedback to say so.

Nom nom nom, just been checking the menu and am well-primed.

Oh and Yo! Sushi has opened in Milton Keynes. Mum and I are going to go for the Blue Plate Special in October half term. I've invited my niece and sister, but I doubt they'll come, or even respond. Still, with them or without them it's going to be a yearly ritual for Mum and I. It's our annual Fuck Cancer meal (a little later this year - Fuck Cancer Day is the anniversary of her surgery on 17 September - I will be making her a card!)

Am off to put on a little bit of sparkle in a few minutes. I may take my camera to impress you with our repast. I'm certainly taking a tupperware box in case of leftovers!
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