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Old 12-07-2003, 09:58 AM   #36
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 10
A man walks into a bar, in the middle of the day. The bar is empty, except for the bartender. The man pulls up a stool at the end of the bar. The bartender takes his order "draft beer, please" and takes a bowl of nuts from under the counter and sets it on the bar.

The bartender brings over the beer and the man takes a long swig. He sets down the mug, and hears "That's a really nice tie." He looks around, trying to see who said this. No one around. He looks down the bar to the bartender, who looks at him and waves.

He takes another swig of the beer and hears "That haircut looks really good on you." He spits the beer out and jumps off the stool. The bartender comes over, annoyed and says "what's wrong with you?"

The man says "I'm hearing things." "Hearing things?" says the bartender?

"Yeah" says the man. I'm just trying to drink my beer, and I'm hearing things like "nice tie" and "great haircut" and there's no one around!

"Oh!" says the bartender. "That's the peanuts."

"The peanuts? What do you mean the peanuts?" says the man.

"The peanuts. They're complimentary."
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