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Old 07-21-2010, 08:50 AM   #61
squirell nutkin
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I mentioned some books on Buddhism to Griff in another thread. My personal take on Buddhism and 12 step programs is that despite being a religion, Buddha is not a god, despite many translators calling him "lord Buddha." One of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism is that Buddha was just an ordinary person, and this is important. Buddha means awakened, and in Buddhsim we are all Buddhas. Not sure how that might pan out as a higher power, but it might eventually work out nicely. If Buddha can do it, so can I.

In AA they talk about bottoming out, Christianity it's the dark night of the soul, in Buddhism its "the raising of the Bodhi mind" whatever you want to call it, what has happened to you is that you realize things are not as they could be and you want to change the way things are.

I'd stick with the 12 step literature for awhile before delving into Buddhism, it will really confuse things at first, especially since Buddhism is so keen on you taking personal responsibility for everything. I found it hard to admit to being powerless while reading in Buddhist texts that everything is my responsibility. Ultimately the path of Buddhism is very empowering, but until you get your base solidified it may create confusion. At least it did for me.

That being said, your higher power could be just that: YOUR higher power. Your highest expression of self, the you Jinx sees in her heart. Or it could be just that collection of sounds that comes out "your higher power."

Some reading material worth picking up is a great book called "No more Mr. Nice Guy" by Dr. Robert Glover. It's not a book about being a prick, it's about how men learned to be adaptive and pleasing as kids out of fear of displeasing loved ones and thereby become secretive and dishonest in their relationships as adults. After reading the book, it was a real eye opener to me.

I gotta go help the kids, more later.
And now I'm finished posting.
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