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Old 07-19-2010, 04:45 PM   #32
Your Invisible Rabbit Friend
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Betwixt and Between
Posts: 528
LJ.... I can TOTALLY relate... in a huge way... I've transfered one addiction to another over the years and it rested and still does to a large degree in eating. I am what you would call a binge eater. I doubled in size... literally and was eating more than Flint who is a foot taller than me. I sneak... and can easily consume a weeks worth of lunches in one afternoon. I've had so many excuses over the years for eating too much... and it has kept me from being truly happy and feeling like myself... its kept me from excersing and doing things with Flint I would love to do. I'm ashamed of it... I'm ashamed of my body and that is a terrible way to feel. It is horrible to be afraid of food... you have to eat.

To be honest the HCG diet has been wonderful for me because I have to measure my food... it is totally joyless and my weight loss is so rapid that I have yet to fall off the wagon. I don't do well when allowed to eat a simi normal diet ... I sneak and justify eating and god forbid something stressful happens... we won't even go into that.

I just wanted you to know that you aren't the only one... and you can beat it... if you want more infomation on what I've found to help... or this diet... I'm here... you can pm me... or... you have my personal e-mail... you know where to find me... you can even have my number if you want... I doubt Flint would object.
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