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Old 07-15-2010, 10:11 AM   #11
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 View Post
Honestly, it is more situation dependent than anything. Even though legally there is very little that can be done, if the mosque was sponsored or run by extremists Muslims, yes, that would be very insulting to anyone who was affected by 9/11. If the mosque is like most mosques in the US, and not radical, then there is no more relation between them and Al Qaeda as there is between a liberal Christian and the Westboro fuckers..
^ What he said ^
I think it is in bad taste either way but whatever.
That's like saying no Christians can attend funerals because of the Westboro fuckers?!

You either have a Constitution or you don't.
If you guarantee rights and are justifiably proud that you did so WAY before any other country, then you have to stick to that, unpleasant incidents notwithstanding.

If you penalise New York dwelling American Muslims, tax paying, law abiding, family oriented people who came to America to live and worship in freedom then I have to ask what you have left to defend.
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