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Old 12-04-2003, 11:01 PM   #3
Umm ... yeah.
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Arkansas, USA
Posts: 949
      My six year old daughter is going through this phase where she feels the need to make every bed in the house. I'm sitting here on my computer, in my room she comes in and makes the bed. She then says, "Well the bed is made. If anyone messes it up they will be beaten." And gives me a stern look, then grins at me to let me know she's joking.
      When she was three, almost four, she climbed up in my lap and was resting her head on my chest. Now understand, I've got hair on my chest that lays flat instead of being curly, also I wasn't wearing a shirt at the time. So anyway, she starts petting my chest like I'm a dog or something and says, "Daddy, you got fur." While I'm reeling from this announcement her mom walks in, she hops down walks over and pulls the bottom of her moms shirt out to check for body hair. She then did this to everyone that entered the house, man,woman or child, for days. (yes even after getting in trouble for it) It went on untill a friend of mine with some hair on his chest was came by and she discovered chest hair was not, in fact, unique to her dad. Though she has since informed us that he has hair on his chest, not fur like her daddy.
A friend will help you move. A true friend will help you move a body.
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