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Old 06-28-2010, 10:42 PM   #42
Big McLargeHuge
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: california, USA
Posts: 203
I love this thread. So great to see such a variety of things people do.

I'm a perpetual college student, myself, gone back after working for ten years. I've done market research(phones, person to person, business to business, focus groups, etc), quality assurance for cable TV (i got paid to watch TV, no kidding), worked in a government mail room during the anthrax scares, worked in a data mine, done data processing, been a medical assistant, security guard, and I love to cook. I volunteer with a local animal shelter, so know a little bit about animal health and handling. I can run a LAMP server, program a bit, build a computer, and raise insect larvae for fun. The Bobs say hi. (All my larvae are named Bob. They like to eat carrots. And each other.)

I also like long walks on the beaches, world peace, and kitty cats.
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