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Old 06-26-2010, 11:13 PM   #6
squirell nutkin
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: in a Nut House
Posts: 2,017
I've been on a 21 day "purification" diet (I can assure you it hasn't helped my thoughts in the least) that is mainly eat as much fruit and vegetables as I want: a mix of raw and cooked, a couple of protein smoothies a day, and lots of water. after day 11 or so you can add a small amount of chicken. So tonight is officially day 15 and unofficially day 24 (I had a week of one toe in the water so to speak) and I bought a chicken at the farmer's market from a friend's farm. roasted with yams, steamed broccoli and zucchini fried in butter.

I love chicken.

I also lost 14 pounds despite sitting on my less fat ass in front of the computer. Amazing what not stuffing my face with bread will do.
And now I'm finished posting.
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