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Old 06-07-2010, 12:44 PM   #7
Chews Food Coming In, And Going Out
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 339
Originally Posted by glatt View Post
OK. So you hate the Jews, and you hate Israel. How do you feel about Hamas, who took over control of the Gaza strip by force and has sworn to wipe Israel from the map?
I completely disagree with any religious group, any religious agenda, and any form of genocide.

This is why religion and Government should NEVER mix. (I'm looking at you, too, America!)

As soon as a country is governed by religious fanatics, or overtly religious people, who allow their blind faith to obscure the reality of the world... that country becomes a corrupt cesspit of despair, and, for lack of a better word, sin... completely devoid of normality, logic, and actual morality.

Consider this - Had Israel not invaded Arab land, had they never been "given" Arab land... what beef would those in Palestine have, with them, so far from their home? I'm sure they'd still have a religious beef, but, beyond that...? Correct, sir... There wouldn't be one.

Now, take a look at the casualties, the deaths, an the international backing... tell me - who's got it worse?

... Indeed.

Originally Posted by Undertoad View Post
You're not exactly a history student, are you?
I know more than you'd assume, good sir.


Oh, and I'd like to point out: I don't "hate" Jewish people, or people from Israel. I hate their "general" attitude.

As always, there are exceptions.

(I don't "hate" anyone, or anything... I just have a strong dislike for religion, and religious agendas.)
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