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Old 12-13-2001, 11:08 PM   #13
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally posted by dhamsaic
I still seriously think that legalizing prostitution would be a great idea here in the US.
I don't know the stats, but I don't hear a whole lot of squawking out of Nevada.

Kurt Schmoke proposed making Howard St. in downtown Baltimore a red-light district when he was mayor. San Francisco has the tenderloin district, which might as well be a free-for-all. Hell, we have Walnut and 13th here, along with Hunting Park. I'm all for hookers getting licensed, inspected/tested, the whole 9 yards. Why not?

Although...I still don't get the whole concept of prostitution. Truth be told, I think I could head down to Delaware Ave. or South St. right now at 12:05 am in Philadelphia on a Thursday night/Friday morning, meet a gal, shack up with her, and think nothing of it the next day. Although, that could get a bit messy (feelings).

(And for the record, I could NEVER do something like that. I don't have the cojones, nor the heart.)
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