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Old 11-26-2003, 09:44 AM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2003
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I guess what UT (and maybe NbN also) was saying is that you have no basis whatsoever for holding a grudge against Mr. Wardop who, I might add, is a very fast thinker. Sorry, but I agree.

Its difficult to get past that in the context of this thread.

Now, getting to your point, I have a grudge against a family member but they are passed away so I have learned to let it go. But it still pops up from time to time which has led me to question whether or not I (or generally speaking, anyone) can truly let these things go. Its nice to preach forgiveness but its another thing to truly forgive.

One peice of advice - don't wait till they're dead because then its all on you and you have no way to get rid of it other than learning to live with it. And it fits like a sportscoat that's a size or two too small.

edited to fix spelling errors - content unchanged

Last edited by Beestie; 11-26-2003 at 10:46 AM.
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