Thread: Workkin' Out!
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Old 04-20-2010, 03:02 PM   #451
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Dystopia
Posts: 13,136
I'm doing this all at home (the only way to go!) with an Gold's Gym incline/decline bench (thrift store), an Exertec power station (got this for free), and a Marcy Platinum Corner Gym (got this for free--but it took a socket set, a U-Haul, and a very strong friend to move it). My week:

  • Machine Press, 10 sets, staring at 10 rep warmups, ending at the whole stack for about 1 rep.
  • Slight incline dumbbell presses, 4 sets, hitting failure at 4-6 reps on last set.
  • Triceps pressdown with rope attachment, 4 sets, hitting failure at 8-10 reps on last set.
  • Slight incline dumbbell flies, 3 sets, “cheating” to 10 reps on every set.

  • Supersets of wide-grip lat pulldowns to the front and close-grip low pulley rows, 8 supersets starting at 10 rep warmups, hitting failure at 4-6 reps on last set(s).
  • Deadlifts, 4 sets, 10 reps. Very strict, concentrating on form, and not injuring my back!
  • Close-grip upright rows (from low pulley), 4 sets, 10 reps, hitting failure at 4-6 reps on last set.
  • Dumbell curls (seated or standing, hammer grip) 3 sets pyramiding up in weight. At failure on last set, the next lightest weight is immediately picked up and taken to failure, followed by the next lightest weight, to failure again.
  • Bent-over rear deltoid raise, 3 sets, 10 reps, pyramiding up in weight (but not too heavy).

  • Calf raises on leg press machine, 5 sets of 25 reps, starting just above body weight and progressing to the whole stack.
  • Leg presses, 5 sets of 20 reps, starting just above body weight and progressing to the whole stack.
  • Squats, 4 sets pyramiding up in weight. First 2 sets to 20 reps, last 2 sets to 10 reps--because my cardiovascular system can’t handle 20 reps of heavy squats (I'm seriously afraid I might get dizzy and fall down)!
  • I need a good hamstring exercise. Probably stiff-legged deadlifts. Any other suggestions (that don’t involve a leg curl machine)?

I want to incorporate the Clean and Press, but I reluctant to begin while nursing a sprained wrist. I also might try Cleaning a bar and falling back on the bench to do barbell bench presses. Get some more "compound" in there. I'm loading up a Creatine Monohydrate cycle right now.
There's a level of facility that everyone needs to accomplish, and from there
it's a matter of deciding for yourself how important ultra-facility is to your
expression. ... I found, like Joseph Campbell said, if you just follow whatever
gives you a little joy or excitement or awe, then you're on the right track.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Bozzio
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