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Old 04-08-2010, 04:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Major league Baseball 2010


al east

new york yankees
its not really the line-up that puts this team into contention this year.
its the starting pitchers.
to add to cc.sabathia, they picked vazquez, who's coming off an outstanding season.
chamberlain makes up a perfect number 3, or even 2 for the future.
i don't think burnett fits this team or ball park.
what is pettite still doing around

tampa bay rays
this is a very serious team that will be dominating this sport throughout this decade.
the line-up is pure insanity
they picked up one of the best batting catchers in the game kelly shoppach to back up navarro
price will end up this teams number 1 starter.
shields, garza, davis and niemann will win a lot of games with this team.
this rays bullpen is even stronger this season with the addition of rafael soriano.

baltimore orioles
this team is seriously improved, and you could see it coming as this franchise, unlike the jays, made the proper moves and now hold a team that can be competitive.
the line-up is truly elite, the only true questions that arise, are regarding the starting pitchers, who may just end up suprising us.
no doubt the bullpen is in tact with the additions.
i can see them finishing in 3rd place in this division

boston red sox
all 3 teams above have superior line-ups to the boston red-sox this season.
beckett is getting worse as he grows old.
i never liked lackey, even as an angel, another starter on the decline.
lester, matsuzaka, bucholz and wakefield are all under par.
the one and only thing that remains solid in this red-sox team, is the bullpen.
you can completely forget about this team competiting for any pennant anytime soon.

toronto blue jays
wtf is wrong with this team.
i'm willing to wager with anyone, that this blue jays team will finish in last place in this division.
its a non-existant team...its a disgrace to the game.
shame shame.
and to be in this division
other than lind, and maybe hill, there is nothing worth mentioning
there is not a division in baseball that would see this team anywhere but in last place.
this team is clearly, the worst team in baseball.
I'm sticking to whats already written here.
The Rays remain in contention for a world series.
I keep going on about this line-up of Bartlett, Zorbist, Crawford, Longoria, Upton and Pena.
For those of you who watch basebal from a distance, be advised that Longoria is a better bat the Alex Rodriguez, and easily a better fielder than Alex Rodriguez.
Longoria is without doubt or debate, the greatest 3rd baseman in the game.
Crawford is the cheetah of the major leagues, one of the 10 best baseball players in the game.
Upton's speed and Pena's power ....they just need to up their batting average a tad.

The other story in this division, are the baltimore orioles.
Specialists say that the orioles are doomed to battle with the jays for last place, but I guess i just see a little more clear than they do.
Jones, Roberts, Tejada, Markakis and young weiters make a serious line-up.
Starting pitcher Matusz a lot of people don't know yet, but you'll see just how good this kid is.
Meredith and Mike Gonzales should have a good season, making this bullpen a lot more solid than one might think.
I still project the Orioles in 3rd place in this division above the red sox.

al central

chicago white sox
one would have to be nuts to not consider this team in this division.
its a serious team with an elite line-up, complimented by some serious starters and a very strong bullpen.

minnesota twins
i agree with the way the this team has been run.
it should start paying off this year or the next.
the twins hold some of the absolute elite players in the world.

detroit tigers
very interesting moves made in detroit that put them in contention in the near future.... but not quite yet.

kansas city royals
they hold some serious pieces, if they can hang on to them, they will reach and possibly surpass the teams in this division in a few years from now.

clevland indians
this team is far from contention despite the generally weak division.
For me, this easily the best bet of the season.
The Chicago White Sox will win this division.

al west

la angels
i am aware that the gap that existed in this division between the angels and the rest of the teams is getting smaller.... however, they still remain the elite in this division.

oakland a's
this is the team that will eventually overtake the angels
i'm not so sure they'll be ready to do that this season, however, they continue to make the right moves in rebuilding, so they are to be feared in a few years from now, or possibly sooner.

seattle mariners
ichiro suzuki and chone figgins make up the fastest 1-2 in the game. felix hernandez and cliff lee guarentee that this team will be above .500 this year.

texas rangers
power power power....i'm not sure that thats the way to win pennants.
you need some heavy duty starters to win, although i must admit that the rangers line-up is very impressive.
nl east
I'm still kinda 50/50 on wether or not the angels can still win this division.
its a bad bet regardless at such a small price.
The only mistake i see i've made in my early projections is on the rangers who's line-up looks amazing.
I'm not sure if they can contend without starting pitchers though
pls stfu k thx
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