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Old 04-05-2010, 09:52 AM   #591
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
It's okay. Other than the sudden OCD, Minifob is doing just awesome. Since we started the DMSA, he has gotten much better at conversations, started making spontaneous comments, ("Daddy, you need a shirt!"), and taught himself to read.

The autism community likes to use the "pieces of each kid's puzzle" metaphor, but I actually prefer to think of it as one huge game of whack-a-mole. Minifobette still has way too many moles up right now for us to be able to know much. When we took her off the liquid diet, I was ready to call the whole thing a huge failure for her--but then, the moment she got back on real foods, she started having solid brown poop (she'd been explosive liquid green for months before and all during the elemental diet.) So obviously it did something good for her, despite the infection... that's apparently one mole down we didn't even know about because it's been hiding in the shadow of the big ass bacterial mole. Smash that fucker down, and the board might be mostly clear, or there might be others, you just never know.
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