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Old 02-26-2010, 05:52 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Nonsense, the normal newspaper reading public's eyes would just glaze over at the numbers in that report.
Which is why no reporter should have mentioned Challenger's O-rings or below freezing temperatures at launch. It just confuses Americans who are now that dumb.

The O'ring, in this case, is 'bobbing'. Bobbing is the damning fact ignored for days in this location. A problem ongoing throughout the day - and ignored. A similar even even discovered in another Tri-State Oversight board evaluation that the board accidently discovered in March 2009. Even the 'near victim' train operator was not aware of a failure. But we are all so dumb as to need our reporters to also keep us dumb.

Meanwhile glatt did the reporter's job. Kudos.

Only eyes that glaze over are those that love to be dumb and stupid. They don't have any business reading newspapers anyway. Maybe we should pass a law that if one is dumb and stupid, then he must not be permitted to buy a paper. That would solve everything.

We should be discussing murder charges for those nine deaths.
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