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Old 11-19-2003, 07:25 PM   #2
|24ZO|2 OY3
Person Who Has Posted
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 2
This is disconcerting - and I don't mean to interfere with anyone else's boards.

But there's a problem. Someone has taken my handle - "razoroye" - and is using it to post on here. Now, I don't have a problem with the using of my handle, that can't be controlled. The problems are these:

1. they used MY e-mail address - which is how I found out about this place. I got an e-mail saying that someone responded to my message. Only I never posted one. And, as a forum admin myself (granted, I only have a website that caters to my high school students - present and past - nothing the size of this place - wow!), I knew that meant someone used my handle and my e-mail to register

2. he/she posts this message (above) as if he/she is actually me and then make a derisive comment about my feeling towards my students which is completely fallacious and unsupported.

3. Finally, he/she then uses my website in the URL section of the user profile and claim that it is his/her website - it is not. is my property.

Personally, I do not want to be associated with the comments made by whoever this person may be.

If at all possible, could user "razoroye" be deleted?

Again, I am very sorry to trouble the mods and admins with this - I don't mean to muck up your boards. And I would appreciate it if my requests could be accommodated. If not, just let me know why. Or, if there are further queries or concerns, I'm all ears.

If it cannot be deleted, could the user simply change the information so that the impersonation is not so direct?

The real RazorOye (never thought I'd have to say that)

Last edited by |24ZO|2 OY3; 11-20-2003 at 06:29 AM.
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