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Old 02-11-2010, 10:57 PM   #1
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
How Do You Get Past Self-Doubt

Wah, I don't mean to turn this into a pity party or anything. I mean, I'm not depressed, I'm just kind of down and frustrated. You know this feeling, probably -- you've done good things in the past, perhaps risen to a point where other people also think you're fairly good at what you do, but then it comes time to do it one more time . . . another day, another dollar, another paper to write, another day on the job, whatever it is . . . and it hits you: crap, what if I can't do it this time?

I haven't done much paying work for a while, because while in college I haven't had time to market myself. So naturally I wonder, what if I get this damn degree and nobody wants me? What if I am completely wrong about being good at what I do?

I have to write two papers for one of my classes - nothing major, 4-5 pages with a couple of sources - but I'm staring at the damn assignment sheet thinking I know NOTHING about how to write this thing.

Is it the cold medicine? Is it being tired? Am I just getting too damn old? Was I never anything special in the first place?

Of course I know I'll do it and probably get an A and think I'm the kitty's PJ's for a while thereafter. But in the meantime, I hate going through this phase and would really like to skip it.

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