Thread: Gay Marriage
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Old 11-18-2003, 06:55 PM   #9
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Originally posted by FileNotFound
Bible references? Who cares. Religion shouldn't be the basis of laws.
And so you have defined the reasons for the contraversy. Not right wing - but extreme right wing religious are opposed to anything contrary to their interpretation of the bible. It is their right. However once they would imposed those beliefs on others, then we have a fundamental violation of the Constitution.

Underlying the demands from the religious right: they are obligated to save us from ourselves. Heavens forbid we should let gays and lesbians 'marry'. That would mean we all commit mortal sin. Something fundamentally new in the American public. There has been a massive change in the American political landscape. Something just under 50% of Americans say there is nothing wrong with religious beliefs being used to create laws. And so we have the religious extremists justifying hate.

Major factions of the Catholic Church would simply murder those who opposed their interpretation of church doctrine. I believe a whole Jesuit town in France was massacred in maybe the 1500s simply because the emotion called 'religion' was more important than even the purpose of religion.

Religion is simply a relationship between you and your god. Period. Once religion is imposed on others, then we have evil. A fundamental violation of American principles. However in their zeal to save us from ourselves, the religious right extremists would deny all this. And so they promote hate upon people they fear - gays and lesbians.

Once religion violates its fundamental roots - a relationship between a person and his god - the religion becomes the reasons for murder, death, massacres, and other social diseases.

Last edited by tw; 11-18-2003 at 07:51 PM.
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