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Old 02-08-2010, 03:53 PM   #1689
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Last night, I was lying awake deciding what criteria I would use when advertising for my housekeeper when I win the Lottery. Spelling would have made more sense.

The walk into town in the light snow snapped me out of my sleepy grump earlier today anyway. Seemed to do the same for Mum. Not only do I now have a ticket to Amsterdam (I'm really going!) I also have a street map and a guidebook (presents from Mum). Funnily enough, it's the last two that make it seem real!

I am now going back through all the notes I made from the guidebooks from the library and adding locations to the map. Have found some great places not mentioned in any of the books on TripAdvisor also (for example Rappers, a take-away place off Damrak that sells wraps). I am going to make the best of my small budget AND not have a disappointing meal AND not end up in McD's because I'm starving and footsore and it's familiar. I lie about the latter - I will at least go in there to get a tray insert for my bro. He'll probably have forgotten the tradition by now, given that I last went overseas ?6? years ago. But it will make me laugh anyway.

MUCH happier tonight. And not just because I got prizes. Because the funk has passed.
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