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Old 01-27-2010, 07:44 AM   #71
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
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The incident this week was caused by human error. There was supposed to be a lookout on the work crew watching for oncoming rail traffic. That publicly unidentified person was not doing his/her job. That's not management, that's worker incompetence. A lazy co-worker killed those two track workers the other night. The track maintenance truck that backed over them was going in reverse and had limited visibility. The track workers were supposed to be watching for it.

But I suppose you are right. Management should identify the slacker lookout and punish him/her and make sure everyone else is doing their job.

Metro is fucked right now. It's seeing reduced ridership because of the economy and because some people are turned off by all the safety problems. So it has reduced revenue. They are holding public hearings shortly to discuss whether they should cut service, or raise prices, or both. That's going to hurt them even more as it pushes more riders into their cars.
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