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Old 11-13-2003, 01:43 PM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: New England
Posts: 104
I got mine from the web consulting firm by the same name. I had a good friend who got out of college and got a job with them. He and his co-workers got so many perks; even as low-level employees. Some of these included non-deductable health insurance, no dress code, and like $500 a year to spend on sports/fitness related equipment. He showed me the laid back coporate nature and how fun his job as a web developer/consultant-in-training could be (even though it was a lot of work). This is what got me interested in the technology field. That and Razorfish is a cool and original name for a company.

Sadly the company Razorfish ran into money problems about two years ago and was aqquired by SBI. My friend got laid off but he doesn't regret his short duration at Razorfish.
Mostly lurking
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