Thread: Avatar in IMAX
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Old 12-26-2009, 01:55 PM   #13
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Well, let me start by saying that we have a moderate sized (27"-30") LCD TV downstairs. For about $7, I can get a used copy of almost any movie about 3-4 months after it has appeared in a movie theater and make my own popcorn.

At current prices, tickets for the 3 of us to a regular movie is about $36. I don't usually buy snacks, but we end up with 1 or 2 sodas and a popcorn for something like $12.

So it's $48 versus $7. In order to make up the difference, the movie theater has to add a better experience. The room is darker and the sound system is better. As far as screen size goes, with the smaller movie theater screens, I'm seeing only a slightly large picture sitting 30 feet from the screen as in my living room sitting 8 feet from the screen.

So in order to get me to justify getting myself into a theater, the 'experience' has to be significantly better. IMO, now that all movies cost $12 and more and more theaters are still pleading poverty in justifying outrageous snack prices, ALL movies should be in IMAX.

Considering the plot and action, Avatar screams for IMAX 3D and surround sound. Since I don't have a home movie theater, and I have at one point entertained the idea, I can convince myself that there is an added value worth the cost and travel.

That we will be going with friends is even better.

So Avatar, like a lot of big action films, justifies going to a theater to get the full effect.
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