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Old 12-18-2009, 12:59 PM   #5
I know, right?
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1,539
It's like hurricane season too, when people just suddenly seem to realize OMG, I live in an area that gets hurricanes! I mean, HELLO, it's December, have you never gotten a snowstorm before? Might you stop to think, perhaps in October sometime, that it might be wise to stock up some extra canned goods and TP, maybe some candles and batteries, just in case you might need them? Sheesh.

I always have to laugh at the TV news coverage from hardware stores as people stand in line for shovels and salt. I can understand running out of salt, but if you live in a place that gets snow sometimes, why wouldn't you already have a shovel?

Last year we had a wind storm from hurricane Ike pass through and it knocked out our power for 5 days. You couldn't find many stores open or gas stations because they didn't have power either, and OMG did people freak out. The only difficulty we had was procuring a few gallons of gas for our generator so we could have TV and fridge. We managed, but learned from it so that next time there's a threat, we'll fill the tanks and cans.
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