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Old 12-11-2009, 02:11 PM   #11
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: State of Insanity
Posts: 45
I have a half plucked cockatoo also. There can be lots of reasons they pluck, and yes, when the feathers start to grow back in it's irritating! HERE is a site that is very down to earth about cockatoos. *Warning* silence your speakers before you click on the site, as it has actual cockatoo sounds emitting from it. The site is, well let me just copy the opening paragraph:
Beautiful and Cuddly.

These are the words normally used to describe one of natures most unusual parrots, the Moluccan Cockatoo. It's unusual in that it's one of the few "lap birds", and acts more like a dog than a bird sometimes. As babies, Moluccans so easily touch your heart that it's hard to walk away from them without taking one home. Their liquid eyes look like black pools of inquisitiveness as they carefully study your facial expressions, and you seem to be able to look right into their very souls. Both Moluccans and Umbrella cockatoos possess a sweetness that few parrots can match, for a while. As all good things must come to an end however, so goes the sweetness as these babies mature. This is not to say that there will be a complete change, but the odds are great that the 'Too you'll wind up-with years later is not the sweetness and light you brought home. Do all birds change? No. Will most change to some degree? You'd better believe it! And it's these changes that sometimes drive owners to rescues.
I didn't go out to buy a cockatoo, I ended up with her as a rescue. She'd been in 3 places in the last 6 months. I've done some bird rescue before, but this is my first 'too. After reading the site, I fully agree with them that cockatoos especially should never be kept in captivity. However, since she was likely never in the wild and I don't live anywhere near her native lands, I'll have to keep her and make sure she has the best home I can provide. It's a daunting task, let me tell you.
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