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Old 11-26-2009, 01:02 PM   #12
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by skysidhe View Post
The jury is still out on the creme in the tea bit though. :P
Cream or creme or whatever - NO! Milk only in tea. Or lemon or nothing I mean. If it's cow juice it must be milk.
no really...I want to know * huge smile* I really think if I went there and ordered tea and didn't put milk in it I'd be given blank looks.
In respect to the above, most people have milk in tea, but any reasonable places give it to you on the side, as the amount of milk added is a personal choice. Neither my Mum nor my Dad have milk in tea and they have no problems. If you went to a roadside cafe (frequented by builders and/or lorry drivers) you'd probably have to ask for a tea-no-milk, but even there it wouldn't get stares. And I have to ask whether you've had English tea? IMO it is definitely improved by milk. Unlike herbal teas, which are ruined by it.
Another thing I assume is that American's wear more tennis shoes and jeans and Europeans wear more dresses and non athletic shoes so if I don't want to look like a tourist if and when I ever go there I should dress more posh? Is this true?
Depends solely on where you are, chick. Jeans & trainers are de rigeur here too. If you're taking afternoon tea at the Ritz you dress up. Same as I would if I were visiting a top class hotel in New York. Tourists are in a class of their own. I attracted many male reactions in Egypt and Sri Lanka in a dress I thought conservative... At least in London you won't be set on by a bunch of schoolkids wanting a photo with you!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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