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Old 10-30-2009, 09:34 AM   #15
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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How do you slice a loaf of bread without squishing it?
I am a spoilt child of the '70s. 1972 if you have to know (how rude!)
Growing up we had a bread slicer. I say bread, it was manual and could be adjusted for ham or beef or fingers or whatever was your bag.

Apparently, the 'rents tried to get a replacement a couple of years ago, but the new one they got was rubbish and ended up in the charity shop.

The only bread I grew up slicing (kiddies didn't use the bread slicer!) was Italian bread. And that has a crust so thick it's like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I learned how to slice cheese. I learned how to butter fresh bread with real, cold butter (warm the butter up TBH) and to spread crackers without them cracking. BUT. Deli bread I buy, I always have to squash the air out of it to slice it. Squeeze and saw. Never the same once I've got at it.

Is this a lost art? Mum mourns the lost art of her parents' generation - carving a chicken so it lasts all week. Have my generation lost yet another art?
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