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Old 11-30-2001, 05:30 PM   #13
Posts: n/a
Excuse me? Being so damn greedy?

Care to explain that? Point out where I was being greedy, you lazy slacking piece of shit. When you explain that and it makes sense, I'll explain how you're a lazy slacking piece of shit, you lazy slacking piece of shit.

In case you missed it, right off the bat, my point is this: You are in no position to judge me greedy. Besides the fact that you weaken your argument by not using facts (and instead, stupid baseless namecalling), you look like a fucking idiot to the intellectuals of this board because nowhere have I demonstrated greed. Try using your fucking brain to construct an argument instead of rehashing the insult you heard some other dude use last week. That shit won't cut it here - put up or shut up.

...and that country suddenly exports everything and imports nothing.
Maybe you missed Economics class, but you make money by SELLING things, not BUYING them. Exporting == selling. Importing == buying. If a company moves in and exports shit, they need workers. That would be, uh, jobs. You know. Those "fucking" jobs I was talking about earlier, that you questioned. If a big company moves into Nigeria and starts selling elephant pies, they need people to collect, inspect, package and ship these elephant pies. They need supervisors to supervise the workers. They need higher management to supervise the supervisors. They pay these people something we call "money" in exchange for "work." When you are "paid" on a regular basis for work that you complete, that is called HAVING A FUCKING JOB. Companies create jobs. Are you beginning to understand this?

Japan exports every fucking thing in the entire world. What wasn't made in Japan or by those who work for Japanese companies? Not very much. That's why Japan has the second largest economy in the world. Wow, what a ridiculous fucking concept. IF YOU SELL SHIT, YOU GET MONEY.

No one here ever said that it wasn't awful what's happening in some parts of the world. That's another reason why we have these things called "charities". People like me can give the money they want to worthy causes. That's better than pissing it all away in taxes so the government can pay to have a couple fucking buildings sandblasted because they got spraypainted. Can you say "detrimental to the cause and contrary to the preaching"? Uh, let's destroy some shit, 'cause that way the citizens pay more in taxes and can't give as much to charity, so these people in [insert suffering country here] are continuing to suffer. Every dollar spent cleaning that shit up is a dollar that didn't go to foreign aid. Think about that next time you defend ruining shit that isn't yours.

Which brings me to another point that people here, even the intellectuals, seem impossible to grasp: IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY THAT YOU WOULD FEEL THE SAME IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU. What if your car got ruined because you were driving near a protest and they mobbed it? Regarding your animal rights post, how about this: What if you were strutting along one day wearing your fake-leather boots ('cause I assume such a righteous person as yourself would never ever have anything associated with animal suffering - note fucking sarcasm) and some PeTA wacko thinks "mother fucking leather boots!" and beats the shit out of you? "Well, it's okay, his intentions were good." The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Just like the good intentions of a nice, vandalizing protest. Doesn't change the fact that someone else ruined something that wasn't theirs.

Realize your position and where you stand on the scale of the world...
Wow. I only have one eye but I sure as shit saw me write this earlier:

Originally posted by dhamsaic
I'm not saying I don't have it good - at least I can afford to buy that shit, right? But it's not like it was handed to me.
Now, I know I used big words like "afford" and whatnot, but surely someone with the mental ability to construct such compelling arguments as yourself would understand what I meant by that. Such as, well, I have it pretty good and I'm thankful for that. So I'm going to deliberately not follow your suggestion to "realize your position and where you stand on the scale of the world", 'cause, well, I already fucking know.

Now. Do me a fucking favor. Stop trying to be "right" and actually read what I have to say. I'll even write an abridged version if you like - something that lacks the swearing and namecalling. Stop reading arguments to point out flaws in the other's. Read them and see what they're worth. Take into account their point of view. And then, when you're done that, take some time and forumlate a senseful response. Leave out the assuming nature - I promise you, people on this board will hit you for it every time. Work with what they have said, not with what you think they said. There can be a very big difference. Back up your argument with facts. Don't say "IMF ruins lives". Say "When IMF did ................., the economy of .............. suffered as a direct result" and provide evidence to back that. If you can't, well, at the very least, don't toss out broad assumptions as fact. How do you know what these places are like? Have you been there? Or are you reading spin?

Not to come down on you, but try harder next time. Back it up with facts. Make me eat my words. Seriously. And if you do, you'll get a big fat pat on the back and a "congrats". Because I *can* admit when I'm wrong, and I will. Just prove it.

[ Edited to fix a fucking typo! ]

Last edited by dave; 11-30-2001 at 10:00 PM.
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