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Old 10-06-2009, 07:51 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
No. I'm not cheating. Although I do occasionally cheat when playing games with my kids so that I can make one of the kids who has lost numerous rounds in a row finally win one. When I'm able to anyway.

Ok. So, on with the game...

Because the day has just begun, I'll do yesterday.


1. I found out that the attractive Norwegian speaking woman we were considering hiring took another job immediately after interviewing here. We lost her.

2. I saw 3 bunnies on my walk home from the Metro.

3. I was tossing a soccer ball to a visiting kid in our back yard, practicing headers, and I nailed her in the nose.

4. While taking out the garbage, I had to toss the neighbor kid's basketball back over the fence to him twice.
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