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Old 10-06-2009, 07:19 AM   #15
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Same as Dana, quel surprise!
I haven't worked in telesales, but have had many friends who did (living among artists it's almost a given)

I'm the same with people who stop me in the street - charities, credit cards, power companies wanting me to switch tariffs, satellite companies etc. I do interrupt them - but only so I don't waste their time. I find the magic words, "Moved back in with my parents because I'm out of work" tend to do the trick. If I really want to over-egg it I might add, "Suffering from depression, paying back debts, living on benefits" but usually they're happy to let me go already.

Telesales people usually get my Dad. His key phrases are, "we're pensioners, we live in a council house" the second is untrue, but also works. I wonder if the Mubai graduates have a list of red flags? I'm sure they can't have council houses there. The fact he's hard of hearing and generally talks over them helps - he doesn't mean to be rude but he honestly can't wait for them to say anything more he can't really understand.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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