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Old 10-03-2009, 07:29 AM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
I believe we can all agree she's more than paid for her participation in the burglary.

The medical care problem is the bigger issue. Points to the very real problem with socialized medicine - it's rationed, and not by a private insurance company you might take to court, either. Competition with other insurer's is not an issue once the gov't takes over - for better or worse, they run it as they please.

I sputter in amazement whenever I hear the expression "free medical care". Should we believe in the Tooth Fairy, as well? C'mon! It will be FAR from free! It never was "Free", and it never will be - nor should it be. Can't expect doc's and nurses to work for free, with donated medical equipt. and drugs.

The Oregon Health Plan is one of the most rational and sensible health plans, you can find. I have no doubt their decision was the correct one, for the welfare of Oregonians needing health care, as a whole.

This seems to me to be a case, where charity should be the driving force. Chrissy is still a part of the body of sentient beings, and should be given every consideration in this matter.

It seems a bit ridiculous to expect a blind young girl, without a face, to come up with the 1/4 million $$$ (roughly?), it would take to pay for this.

You know gun running isn't as profitable as drug dealing, anyway!
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