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Old 10-28-2003, 04:23 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Michael Roth
Your absolutely right. The difference is intent. The GWB war machine intends to enforce its will upon a nation that does not want it there.
We can stop right there. Some citizens do, some don't. How about we have them vote on it and see?

I'm sure Saddam would have allowed them that same freedom too.

Now let me ask you honestly, would you rather have GWB as a total dictator or as a democratic president whose power is at least partially checked by both the court system and Congress?

Some will always support a theocracy or a dictatorship, because it's in their best interests. It doesn't make it right.

Many people in Iraq <b>are</b> gracious. Our own Tobiasly served in Iraq this year, and is now (thankfully) (mostly) safe in Kuwait. He can tell you about their gratitude first-hand.

Unfortunately, the very vocal minority shouts louder than the rest. Of course there are people killing US soldiers in Iraq, just as there are people within the United States that support its violent overthrow. That doesn't mean that the majority of either countries is vehemently anti-US. It just means that some are.

(I don't know what's right with Iraq; I personally did not support the war, though I wasn't against it either. I was on the fence. I haven't been convinced of WMD yet, but I am convinced that Iraq will be better off now that they are free from a dictator. What freedom-loving person can honestly say that giving a repressed people a choice is a bad thing?)
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