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Old 10-27-2003, 08:41 PM   #1
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Liberating them against their will.

Wolfovich went to Iraq to show how Iraq is getting better. He slept in the safest place in all Iraq - and still got attacked. A few more Americans were killed. But daily American deaths are to be expected. They were not acceptable nor predicted when George Jr said this Peral Harbor type invasion would not even cost us money. Some even foolishly believed the lies about aluminum tubes.

Ironic that a State Department one year study predicted everything so accurately. Defense Dept learned about the study about 1 month before the invasion and tried to hire its authors - when some senior Defense Department official learned what they had concluded and had the hirings quashed. Something about not hiring people who did not agree with a preconceived conclusion.

Heaven forbid should we know back then that every month the violence would only increase AND extremists from throughout the Muslim world would join in the attacks.

Tonight on PBS Newhour, reporters in Iraq talk about the body parts and hundreds of wounded throughout todays Baghdad bombings. So who does the Iraqi 'man in the street blame'? Anything American. Those reporters said they barely got out alive counting 27 bricks that struck their windshield alone.

Back at the Al Rashid hotel, the reporter went back up where those rockets were launched 400 yards away from Wolfovich only the night previously. In what is suppose to be the safest zone in Iraq, America still did not have enough troops to patrol that last night launch location. A report starkly similar to news reports from VietNam when another president also lied repeatedly. Reporters back then noted how America just did not have enough people to even protect the most secure locations. How the terrorist could launch attacks at will no matter how many ways the American government twisted the truth - the famous 5 o'clock follies.

Today's 5 bombings should have been six. But one car bomb failed to explode. A Syrian was captured. Is Syria now a terrorist nation? Extremists who lied about WMD and advocated an unauthorized war would blame Syria. We should now invade Syria? And yet what did that State Departement study conclude? As Americans stayed to enforce American doctrine, and worse if with too few troops, then extremists throughout the Muslim world would converge on Iraq to kill Americans.

Remember when Americans were so highly regarded througout the world? Then we elected a mental midget president supported by a cast of right wing religious extremists. The Economist notes the problem and why it becomes more easy to recruit terrorist to attack Americans in Iraq:
from The Economist of 15 Oct 2003
... favourable attitudes to America have crashed in the past two years, especially in Muslim countries. The figure in Indonesia has plummeted from 61% to 15%, in Turkey from 52% to 15%, and in Jordan from 25% to 1%.
Turkey and Jordan have long been some of America's strongest friends among Muslim nations. Even there, George Jr has made you person non-grata.

Three Americans died in the Gaza strip. Why? Was it a coincidence that the Security Council by a wide margin demanded that Israel stop stealing Arab land using a fence (that would put 80% of Palestinians inside Israel). Only an enemy of Arabs - George Jr - used the American veto. George Jr is not an honest broker and hates Arabs - no matter what his right wing rhetoric says. Actions - that veto - says more to all Muslims and Arabs. Thanks to George Jr, extremists are finding it easy to recruit.

That veto again only said to the Arab and Muslim world that America hates them. And so attacks will only continue - Americans will die daily in increasing numbers - until we finally remove an enemy of humanity - George Jr. A man who could not even tell the truth about some aluminum tubes. The man that the Norwegian foreign minister said would undermine the Oslo Accords.

Last edited by tw; 10-27-2003 at 08:51 PM.
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