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Old 11-29-2001, 07:30 PM   #51
Aggregate Aggravator
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Dallas TX
Posts: 17

Originally posted by BrianR
Welcome back CH! I was beginning to forget you.

I hope you stick around this time. I've missed your opinions on various topics.

Brian (KM)
I'll pop in from time to time, I guess I should have popped in after the Cowturds got their asses kicked by the Beagles. That's something I miss, the Philly fans. Most of the places (like sports bars) in the area of Dallas I live in are anything but Dallas fans, there's a Bronco group, a Packers group and a few others. No Eagles or Cowboys groups I've run across. When I was living in SD, I didn't notice many fans for the Chargers fans either, go figure.

I will confess that the one thing I loved and miss about SD was the skybox at Qualcomm stadium, I got tickets twice a year because I worked for the Padres owner.

Other than missing Taylors pork roll (I could get that in SD at 8 bucks a pound!), I get all my Philly favorites here in Dallas. Birch beer and Tastykakes are available across the street (literally) and I certainly don't miss scrapple. I sure don't miss the 4.94% Philly wage tax.
There's a killer place for pizza about a mile away, but every other place I've tried here in Cowtown *sucks*. SD was the same deal, only a place called Bronx Pizza had good pie. Believe it or not, Pizza Slut was called the best pizza in SD the last few years.

For the few who have wondered what I've been doing the last 6 years or so:
I've been a consultant/contractor in Boston, NY, LI, TX, and CA and finally got nuked out of my last job by those wonderful people who brought you the WTC bombing/collision. I've taken "advantage" of this to get some of the stuff I should have done finally accomplished.
I'll be popping back every once in a while, so DIE LAMERZZZ!!!!.
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