Thread: Souls
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Old 10-27-2003, 01:15 AM   #10
Simulated Simulacrum
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 39
re: souls

a famous physicist in the last century, I think it was... umm... crud, I can't remember. Penrose! that was it! anyway, Penrose stipulated that souls (and I guess, by extension, consciousness) was a the end result of a series of quantum interactions occuring between the electrons making up our brains. The main part of this process was a situation he called 'chaotic dipole oscillation'. Basically he was saying that our brains, carrying more neurons then there are stars in the universe (supposedly), were merely trillions upon trillions of yes/no switches. When combined with the holographic model of thought this begins to make some sense. A hologram is an interesting thing when examined concurrently with thought processes. Imagine you have a sheet of holograph film. No matter which way you look through it it will not resolve into any particular image. but shine a light through any part and you will find the whole image in all 3 dimensions. Now cut that film in half. You'd think that the image would be halved as well, but not so. The image is still there, all 3-d's, maybe a little fuzzier. Cut the thing down as small as you like, the image will remain whole. Thought works this way as well. Neurophysiologists have experimented with memory processes for sometime. They found when showing the film of a scene from their subjects childhood one portion of the brain would be stimulated. Removing that portion of the brain, however, did not cause the patient to forget the memory. The details may have become a bit harder to recall, but the memory as a whole remained intact. With the brain acting as a hologram, all of these yes/no positions in our brain will have an exponential impact upon one another. Each change in one dipole (yes/no position)results in a change in the whole. Without going into the mathematics of it (mostly because I don't understand them myself) I'd say that despite my atheism I can believe that we have souls. I have a soul, and all my long-departed kitties souls are hovering around my head somehwre, plotting terrible revenge on the cars that ran them down.
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