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Old 09-16-2009, 07:00 PM   #42
i need friends
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Transplanted from PDX to Wilmington, DE
Posts: 65
I used to think snakes were awesome.

But then I got bit by a Bull Snake. Summer of my junior year in high school, me and my Dad were hiking in Eastern Oregon.

I walk off trail to take a piss and suddenly I hear this low rattle right next to my leg. I look down and it's just sitting right there in it's little "I'm a gonna fuck you up" position, hissing and moving back and forth.

I'm sitting there for what seemed like hours, frozen, because this thing looks EXACTLY like a Diamondback. Right as I make my move to book it back to the trail, it bites the back of my leg, right in the calf.

So then I was like, well shit, I'm gonna die in the desert. Then we noticed that the bite didn't have puncture wounds, just bite marks that we're bleeding. It also wasn't swelling or anything like that. We still booked it back to the trail head and there was a park ranger there and told us that it was a Bullsnake (which are non-venomous) and we cleaned it and dressed it.

So I did not die in the desert..
But snakes are not some awesome in my book anymore...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
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