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Old 09-07-2009, 02:29 AM   #22
Urbane Guerrilla
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Join Date: Jul 2002
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You and the entire national leadership of the Democratic Party, Shawnee.

The bad choice was made in the undemocratic enclaves of the more benighted precincts of Islam: the antiglobalists, the antidemocratic, the resentment-is-everything claque yowling for revenge for fancied slights, the abusers of women. Antiliberal the lot, and to a degree hard to believe. Having sown the wind resorting to terrorism, why should they not reap the whirlwind? They are so hostile to practically anything that makes a life worth the living that they could hardly be anything but bitter enemies of all mankind.

The decision to clean out and disinfect these abscesses in the global body politic is a good choice, and one made by people we can safely assume are rather to the right of you, not so? It's the choice made by the people of freedom, and I approve of it. Have they, at the end of the day, any reason to thank you? Do they?

Seems to me the least you could do is sedulously avoid that bad habit of the Left of always, whenever the choice between democracy and totalitarianism presents itself, of crying leave totalitarians alone. There's the specious claim that how foreigners go abusing each other is not our business. It's only not our business if we're not human, or we're amoral. I don't think either condition applies. I do not raise that cry of the Left, and therefore I am more humane and better than the entire Left is. I submit that this is true humanity.

It is an act of great compassion to lift oppression's yoke, and one should not disapprove of such compassion -- no matter who claims oppression's yoke should remain right where it is, and no matter what level of violence they bring to support their illegitimate claim. No matter how they try and guilt-trip you, they are still acting on evil's behalf, and they must be snuffed for doing that, that they may do it no more; you know they'd never give it up. White liberal guilt is not the road of virtue; it is the road of fascist sympathizing, which is by definition undemocratic. Alas, it is not also unDemocratic.

The Republicans, whatever their flaws, do have this figured out, and they acted like it while in the Oval Office. Loud were the bellowings of those who thought differently, and I just cannot see that those people had a leg to stand on. The Bush Administration concentrated the Federal effort on foreign policy, which is within the Fed's Constitutional purview. This is performance! That it's an imperfect world, and never more so than when there's shooting, left checkered results, and it would be unreal to say otherwise. It would be unrealistic to expect otherwise. Yet for all the flaws, warts and rotten spots, abundantly pointed out by the pundit cottage industry for good money, somehow the sky never falls in, nor does an earthquake swallow up the world's shitheads either. I do not presently expect the kingdom of God on Earth, and I don't think I ever have.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.
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