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Old 11-28-2001, 02:22 PM   #50
Posts: n/a
Re: Myinvisible nick

Originally posted by BrianR
Only those who remember me from the "old days" remember the nick I used to use. Keymaster.

Even though I retired that name years ago, I still hear it now and then from old friends and I will post it's genesis one more time for those who don't know/remember whence it came.

In my computer infancy (1984 or so), I was looking for a handle that wasn't like all the others (famous personalities, comic book characters, etc) and was a bit original. So I decided on Keymaster. As in Master of Keys. Follow that thought a little and you get Master of Keyboards or Master of computers. Simple, no?

Then along came Ghostbusters. I haven't lived that down even yet. And me without even copyright protection to sue under.

I just made lemonade out of that particular lemon and went on with my pitiful excuse for a life.

Please keep the name reverently in KAOS g-files and don't profane the bandwidth with it.


Heh. Guess you missed that one
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