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Old 08-28-2009, 04:31 PM   #3
I hear them call the tide
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Perpetual Chaos
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it's bitter The townies here objects to what the suburbanites have done to their downtown. maybe not quite the same thing, but this blog used to amuse me no end. here are the first two posts from waybackwhen

All I wanted was some
Sunday, May 19th, 2002
All I wanted was some aluminum foil, preferably within close walking distance. I live in “downtown” Ann Arbor, so that shouldn’t be too difficult.

Unfortunately, the closest grocery store is a few miles away from my house. That leaves me with the People’s Food Co-op, which doesn’t carry aluminum foil, the gourmet market in Kerrytown, which I assume doesn’t carry aluminum foil (platinum foil, maybe) and a little convenience store that does happen to have aluminum foil, but has virtually no other groceries that don’t have hydrogenated vegetable oil or high fructose corn syrup in the top two ingredients.

There are three New Age candle stores within close walking distance of my house.

Posted by ann arbor is overrated at 1:39 pm | 2 Comments

Welcome to Ann Arbor Sucks,
Friday, May 17th, 2002
Welcome to Ann Arbor Sucks, the Web’s main source for examining and quantifying the off-the-charts suckiness of this seemingly harmless little Midwestern college town.

After living here about nine months, I feel that I’m ideally qualified to report on the lameness of Ann Arbor (or A^2, if you’re one of those locals who insists on this cutesy, gag-inducing nickname. That’s pronounced “A squared.”) Why? I’ve been around just long enough to absorb the soulless, yuppified, no-fun atmosphere, but not long enough to forget why these things are wrong.

Posted by ann arbor is overrated at 8:44 pm | 2 Comments
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity Amelia Earhart
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