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Old 11-27-2001, 03:21 PM   #12
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally posted by Xugumad
That claim is incorrect. If all Florida votes had been recounted - and had the recount been confirmed as legal, then Gore would have won Florida. Go search the web for the results of the AP recount. The press intentionally didn't publish the results so as to not cause 'trouble' during the bombing of Afghanistan.

Sorry, every source I find gives Bush Florida, unless (as I mentioned) you count
over-votes, which was never an option.


This is well-documented. It's not speculation. Had Gore continued with his declared strategy, however, he still would have lost, as he wasn't demanding a Florida-wide recount, merely a recount of certain counties - where the difference wouldn't have turned it around for him.
A full recount would have gone for Bush. A partial recount would have gone for
Bush. Only a statewide recount including overvotes would have gone for Gore. That means that in cases where both Gore and some other candidate (besides Bush) were punched, it would be counted as a vote for Gore.
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