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Old 08-14-2009, 09:20 AM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by ZenGum View Post
Freaking me out today was an incident on the train on the way home from work.

There is a chap who often catches the train who is a little bit special, shall we say, some kind of advanced Ralph Wiggum situation. His Hi-Vis vest and steel cap boots indicate some kind of physical job, and he can catch trains by himself etc so he is getting by okay, but he has a few rather odd habits.

In particular, he is constantly swinging his head back and forth (very much like this guy ), and frequently gives a running commentary on his thoughts, as well as initiating rather one-sided conversations with anyone around.

I was sitting in a forward facing seat, and he sat in the backward facing seat directly behind me; thus his head was maybe 15 cm behind mine. No problem. He started his monologue. No problem. He was swinging his head from side to side - not itself a problem, but it created the effect that I would hear a few words closer to one ear, then a few equidistant from both, then a few closer to the other, then back in the middle, and so on, back and forth, so the effect I got was this somewhat rambling flow-of-consciousness voice feeling as if it were bouncing around inside my own head!!!

Whooooaaaoooohhhhh maaannnnn.
Is the feeling of rambling flow of consciousness still there?
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