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Old 11-27-2001, 12:00 PM   #6
no one of consequence
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Arkansas
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If you ask me, being held in jail for commiting no crime IS being mistreated. As for being outraged, I personally haven't really heard of this before. I would certainly be against it if it were true.

OTOH, I feel kinda powerless. There's not much I can do about anything that goes wrong in this country except write a letter to my congressman. And if you ask me, that amounts to no more than begging a person in power to make a decision a certain way, when in the end they were just going to follow their own beliefs anyway. Example: Should i write letters to George Bush pleading that he change his stance on cloning research? Yeah right! Like he's going to change his opinion for me.

I'd love to be wrong though.
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