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Old 08-10-2009, 04:08 PM   #16
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Oh Dick and Fanny! I don't know which one to handle any more - I've never known such queer goings on.
Never mind. Just make sure you invite Neil, Bob and Roger.

ETA - if this sounds a bit practised, I actually have notes on writing a Chalet School/ Enid Blyton Cellar episode. It was supposed to be "one for the ladies." Which is why I've subverted the thread with innuendo I suppose

Problem was, it had a Nazi sub-plot, and I felt bad about casting villains. Wolf was going to be Matron though. Forever giving the girls sedatives (as per real boarding school stories!) Shawnee was the school secretary, about the same age as the girls, and sympathetic. Bri was the bad girl, in a St Trinians' style. Ducks & Ali made an appearance as obligatory new girls from a backwards country. Dana was a Commie spy, outwitting the Nazis. And Bruce - of course. The mild-mannered janitor. Saving the day, and thereby teaching Dani the error of her ways - capitalism is best.

You know what? The synopsis makes it sound so much better than it ended up.
But I think I was was right not to write it, given that it seems only Brits & Aussies get the genre!
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